Lighthouse Point

Lighthouse Aka Sangamankanda,It is the east extreme points of Sri Lanka and located at 3 meters above the sea level, There two surf Spots Here,the first one is right in front of Hilltop Cabanas, a medium right-hander breaking on the there few reefs on the Beach side! Since the sand is moving Some time it can be closed, but the waves strat to breaks on sand,

The second one is on the right hand side of the Lighthouse: Front of Tangas Beach But another right-hand break. It is also often working but smaller in ideal nice place...

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Arugambay Arugambaysurfco AbayLocated 20 min North Of Arugambay.Pottuvil Point is where the ocean, scenic countryside and the peaceful lagoon meet. It’s a somewhat exposed point break, with offshore winds coming in from the west/southwest. The point also receives a mixture of windswells and groundswells, usually from the south/southeast.The best conditions reported for surf at Pottuvil Point occur when a South-southeast swell combines with an offshore wind direction from the West-southwest.

The reef break is hollow, and surf at the sand-bottom point rides on a good south swell, running close to a kilometre towards the shore. In fact, the wave...

Main Point ArugamBay

Arugambay Arugambaysurfco Abay asanka waduga surfstoriesThe best wave in the Island.2-3 minutes walk from Arugambay, watching Arugambay sand dunes & Jungle it's a A reef-bottom, creating 400 – 600m long right-hand point break that can hold up to 8ft of swell. Being at the top of the point, it receives no protection from the wind so gets blown out easily. It has two obvious sections: a fast wall from the peak that then crumbles and you have to speed this section and then a slower, longer ride on the second peak. The busiest of waves due to its...

Baby Point

From June to July, when the sand covers the last section of the Main Point, this perfect wave is created for beginners and intermediaries, which is technically the wave continuation of Arugam Bay's Main Point.2-3 ft high it can be really fun,it's mostly suits for longboarders,if you lucky enough you can catch a wave from your longboard main point end up at the end of baby Point, you might need lots paddling skills, baby Point is always crowded with swimmers and beginners, and surf lessons, so if you First timer it's ideal place to learn to surf with...


Panama located South of Arugambay 30 min in a tuky, Arugambay to Panama stays somewhat inland, but intersects with lagoons where you can spot waterfowl, wading birds, water buffalo ,Crocs,and even elephants. It’s a beautiful, savanna-like landscape. In sleepy Panama, you can explore some of these areas on new eco-tours. It's all a good day trip from Arugam Bay.One of the best beginner surf spots in the island is Panama,It's also can be very fun For longboarders with it's long pealing waves, but you have to wait till late may until sand move,to surf in good conditions, most...